Aadhar is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Indian government to every individual resident of India. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which functions under the Planning Commission of India, is responsible for managing Aadhaar numbers and Aadhaar identification cards.

Aadhar card is a number that serves as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India.

• Any individual, irrespective of age and gender, who is a resident in India and satisfies the simple verification process laid down by the UIDAI, can enroll for Aadhaar.

• The enrollment is free of cost and needs to be done once voluntarily (it is not mandatory).

• Aadhar can be applied for even kids as young as 1 year.

Aadhar card and the benefits it has:

Aadhar card is a voluntary service that every resident of India can avail irrespective of present documentation they may have. It establishes uniqueness of every individual on the basis of demographic and biometrics – fingerprints and retina scans.

• Aadhar number can also be linked to services like banking, mobile phone connections and other Govt. and Non-Govt. services. It is very convenient in use as it can be easily verified online and therefore lowers the risk of fake ID proofs.

• The number generated is also random devoid of any biases on the basis of caste, class, religion or geographical location.

• Used in Know Your Customer (KYC) authentication for insurance, Demat account, mutual fund schemes, Landline and Mobile phones, vehicle purchase and new gas connections.